Today the enigmatic mountain of Isandlwana nestles peacefully amongst the majestic beauty of the Zululand hills. In January 1879 however, it was the site of one of the most dramatic and enthralling events in the history of the mighty Zulu Kingdom. The Lodge is carved into the iNyoni Rock formation on top of which the Zulu commander stood during the battle of Isandlwana on January 22, 1879 and enjoys unparalleled views across the valley from the crisp early light of dawn through to the splendor of the African sunset.
A stay at Isandlwana Lodge is more than a peaceful getaway for during your stay you will be able to re-live the history of both the Anglo-Zulu and the Anglo-Boer wars as well as experience the vibrant culture of the Zulu people.
Apart from the enthralling tales of the famous battles there is plenty to see and do during your stay at Isandlwana Lodge. Our inviting pool, built among the rocks, offers you a wonderful haven in which to relax and soak up the warm African sun after a morning of exploring the battlefield. Magnificent battlefield tours and other activities - walking safaris, horse-riding, Zulu village safaris, birding, and swimming.